Finances & Performance Measures
Finances & Performance Measures

Financial Policies and Information

Having sound financial policies is considered a utility best practice. Over the years, Benton PUD has dedicated itself to maintaining financial health while maximizing value provided to customers and helping rates remain low. Through the development of a comprehensive set of financial policies and planning to those policies and reporting on results, Benton PUD's average bills are considerably lower than the average and median of benchmark utilities.

Benton PUD Financial Policies - Resolution No. 2657

Benton PUD Financial Information - Learn more about why financial policies are important, along with additional information about credit ratings, cash and investment reserves, the right level of debt, and how Benton PUD compares to other utilities. For questions, contact Keith Mercer, Director of Customer Service & Treasury Operations at

Monthly Financials

Financial statements are prepared each month to report on the following: Statement of Reserves, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets; Comparative Balance Sheet; Energy Statistical Data; Plant Additions and Retirements; Statement of Cash Flows; Weather Statistics; Broadband Summary; and Payroll Report.

Rating Agency Reports

In November 2023, Fitch Ratings affirmed our AA- rating with a stable outlook. Moody's affirmed our rating of Aa3 (similar to AA-). S&P affirmed our rating of A+ and upgraded our outlook to positive from stable. 

Performance Measures

Benton PUD is committed to evaluating our performance. We achieve this by tracking our progress toward achieving the objectives outlined in our Strategic Plan. Performance measures have been identified for each of our five strategic goals. Each quarter we benchmark these performance measures against industry best practices to ensure we are meeting our mission and providing value to our community and customers.