Outage Map
Benton PUD's average outage restoration time is 2 hours. Our outage web map provides you an easy way to monitor outages real time. The outage map shows the general location of an outage, if the outage is planned or unplanned, the number of customers without power and if a crew has been assigned. The map will not show specific addresses that are without power for safety reasons.
Outage Notifications
Frequently Asked Questions
Outage Map
The outage map uses color coded circles to indicate the number and general location of areas where Benton PUD is experiencing power outages. By clicking on the circle or the geographic area on the map you will be able to view the number of customers served in the area, the number of customers without power, if a crew has been assigned, and an estimated restoration time (if one has been determined). A typical Benton PUD outage usually lasts about two hours.
The map shows the general vicinity of the outage. In order to protect customers’ privacy, it does not show specific addresses.
The information available on the outage map is in near-real-time. There may be instances where the posting of information may be delayed while it is being gathered and verified. During major storms, with multiple widespread outages, it may take more time to assess the extent of outages throughout Benton PUD’s service area.
“Crew assigned” means that a crew has been deployed to work the outage.
There are times when an outage is needed for normal maintenance or emergency work. Planned outage indicates there is a crew working on the issue.
The estimated restoration time will be displayed when it has been determined. A typical Benton PUD outage usually lasts about two hours. If you have questions specific to your outage, please call Benton PUD’s Outage Line at (888) 582-2176 for updates.
Facebook Feed
Check out our Facebook feed during large outages for real-time updates
How We Restore Power
During an outage you may not see our crews in your neighborhood, which could mean the cause is “upstream” from your location as described by letters A, B, and C in the electricity supply chain infographic below.
Our remote monitoring and control system along with our advanced metering infrastructure tells us immediately whether an outage is widespread or more localized. The first step in the process is for us to target the infrastructure that is common to the electric services experiencing an outage and then dispatch crews to one or more locations to begin troubleshooting the problem(s). Once the cause of an outage has been determined, our line crews will make repairs typically beginning with the point in the electricity supply chain serving the greatest number of customers and continuing “downstream” until service is restored to each customer’s home or business.
As crews work to restore power in the field, we ask that you please avoid or limit your interactions with them unless you have information that could help with troubleshooting efforts. We know how disruptive and inconvenient power outages can be which is why our operations support teams are committed to periodically posting updates to service restoration times through SmartHub®notifications and on our Facebook page.
(A) The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) owns and operates the regional power grid serving Benton PUD and we depend on them to troubleshoot and repair their transmission system.
(B) Benton PUD takes delivery of BPA supplied power at our substations which often serve many thousands of customers.
(C) Substation main feeder lines are like arteries delivering electricity to large sections of the communities we serve.
(D) Lateral distribution lines are like veins which, along with transformers, serve individual homes and businesses.
Restoring Power During an Outage
Before calling to report an outage, check your home's breaker panel (and any outdoor disconnects) to make sure the outage is not due to a tripped breaker. Check to see if your neighbor(s) are out of power too. This will help you determine if the problem exists within your home or if it is outside your home. If you determine the problem is outside your home, call Benton PUD’s Outage Line at (888) 582-2176 or log in to SmartHub® to report an outage. If you experience another outage after your power is restored, please notify us again.
Helpful tips: If you were using an electric stove when an outage occurred, turn it off and remove items off the burners. Do not open the refrigerator or freezer to keep the cold air in. Turn off electronics to protect them from surges. DO NOT use barbeques or portable generators indoors as this can be deadly.
It depends upon the cause of the outage. Remember to make sure your power is not out because of an electrical problem inside your home, such as a tripped breaker. If your neighbor has electricity and you do not, more than likely they receive their electricity from a different power line or are located on a different circuit than your home.
In most cases, your automated meter will report an outage. However, if you are experiencing an outage please call Benton PUD’s Outage Line at (888) 582-2176 or report it through SmartHub®. By calling, you help our crews respond more efficiently and restore your service more quickly. To receive alerts if there is outage in your area or that your power is back on, log in to SmartHub® from your desktop and follow the prompts to set up text or email notifications.
If you see a Benton PUD service crew passing but not stopping, it is because they are assessing the problem or work must first be performed at a nearby location before electric service can be restored to you and your neighbors. Following an outage restoration process ensures all customers have their power restored as quickly and safely as possible.
The restoration process begins at the point where the power feeds into Benton PUD’s system. This could be a substation, transmission line, or a main distribution line. After these repairs have been made, crews work on the remaining outages and correct the trouble, beginning with areas serving the greatest number of customers and continuing until electricity is restored to each customer’s home.
Each outage is a result of different circumstances, and some may take longer to identify and restore than others. A typical Benton PUD outage usually lasts about two hours.
If you need power for medical reasons it is important to have a plan in case of an outage. Be prepared to go someplace that has power such as a hospital, use of a portable generator, and/or install a battery backup on important electrical devices.
Safety During an Outage
Stay at least 50 feet away from all downed power lines and wires - even if there are no sparks. Consider all fallen wires to be energized, regardless of whether or not they appear to be safe. Don't touch anything - or anyone - that is touching a downed line. Get help right away. Report the fallen power line to Benton PUD’s Outage Line at (888) 582-2176. Make sure your children, pets, and neighbors stay away from the power line and any objects it may be touching.
Some people think it’s okay to drive across downed lines, believing that the rubber in the car tires will protect them. While that is true to some extent as long as you stay inside the car, the greater danger is that the downed wire can become entangled in the car’s axle or wheels. This could cause you to pull down the pole or could prevent you from being able to drive any further. Do not drive over downed power lines unless it is a last resort. If you are inside the vehicle, wait inside for help. If you must get out, jump out without touching the ground and the vehicle at the same time. Shuffle, don't run away. If you are a witness, stay clear and call for help.
A generator can be a wonderful tool during an outage, especially in helping keep the frozen food in your refrigerator cool. But, it can also be extremely dangerous if used improperly. If you use a portable generator it must be connected through an approved transfer switch that is isolated from Benton PUD's system. Please call us if you have questions about generators.
No. Food in your refrigerator will remain safe as long as power is out for no more than four hours. Do not open your refrigerator or freezer to keep warm air out of it. Discard any perishable food (such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers) that has been above 40 degrees for more than two hours. Learn more about food safety in a power outage by viewing the American Red Cross's Food Safety web page.